IBEX Token Distribution
How was the token supply distributed?
Airdrop: Impermax airdropped 1.5M IBEX tokens to top Uniswap liquidity providers on 29 April 2021.
Initial Uniswap Liquidity: 1M IBEX tokens were allocated to creating the starting supply on Uniswap, ensuring plenty of early liquidity.
Treasury (IBEX Leveraged Farming): 40M IBEX tokens were allocated to the liquidity mining program, which runs for 4 years after token launch. Yield is earned by borrowing tokens, which means users can multiply their IBEX yields by leveraging. That’s in addition to other yields they may be earning with leverage. This is something that’s found only on Impermax.
Private Sale: 10M IBEX tokens were sold in the private sale for $500,000 USD at a price of $0.05 to fund early development and liquidity. These tokens will unlock slowly over 4 years (see distribution schedule below).
Protocol Growth and Development: 20M tokens are set aside to help pay for hiring more developers and expanding the protocol to all major AMM platforms. These funds will unlock slowly over 4 years (see distribution schedule below).
Core Contributors: 12M tokens are allocated for the founding team and other critical team members. These funds will unlock slowly over 4 years (see distribution schedule below).
Community: 1M tokens were reserved for community rewards, including the airdrop to pre-launch suppliers and borrowers.
Advisors and Partners: 2M tokens were reserved for key people and groups that are helping Impermax’s success. These funds will unlock slowly over 4 years (see distribution schedule below.)
Locked IBEX tokens use a simple unlocking curve that reduces the rate of unlocking by 2.4% every 2 weeks. This creates the above curve. Note that the Uniswap airdrop and starting liquidity are the only tokens that began unlocked.
Last updated